The Legacy of Religions
EVERYTHING in this world is a religion: Worship of the unknown, money, wars, the military, Hollywood,
power, authoritarianism, kleptomania, megalomania, motor cars, materialism, marijuana, nicotine,
alcohol, mobile phones, digital technology, howling rock "music", teenage "entertainment", white supremacy, black magic, sadism, satanism, antagonism, gambling, negativity, fake healers, fake gurus, Life after death, etc. etc.
The brain plays tricks. The "Mind" does not visually exist - it is a manifestation of electromagnetic
frequencies turning what has been seen, heard or experienced into confused reactions in the brain
through external indoctrination, external and self imposed conditioning, imagination, dreams and nightmares, to become physical realities to the beholder.
The worst religious mindsets are those perpetuated by self made megalomaniacs, people such as
those in the slides heading of this page, although there are many more, too many to mention.
power, authoritarianism, kleptomania, megalomania, motor cars, materialism, marijuana, nicotine,
alcohol, mobile phones, digital technology, howling rock "music", teenage "entertainment", white supremacy, black magic, sadism, satanism, antagonism, gambling, negativity, fake healers, fake gurus, Life after death, etc. etc.
The brain plays tricks. The "Mind" does not visually exist - it is a manifestation of electromagnetic
frequencies turning what has been seen, heard or experienced into confused reactions in the brain
through external indoctrination, external and self imposed conditioning, imagination, dreams and nightmares, to become physical realities to the beholder.
The worst religious mindsets are those perpetuated by self made megalomaniacs, people such as
those in the slides heading of this page, although there are many more, too many to mention.
Amigo here, I don't have any religion. First of all, my vocabulary and body language cover all my needs and there aren't many of them. Second, I don't read books, which is why I'm not confused. Third, I am a vegetarian, unlike religious people who all eat and sacrifice other beings. Yes, the animal species has its carnivores, but I think for myself and I don't like killing. I'm healthy, strong, and love my food. Maybe you should think a little about what I just said and you might rise above the fear of the unknown that has been instilled in people by people since the ages of life on Earth. Religion is a conditioned state of mind, it is a psychological device for majorities to conform to the politically motivated authority of a minority and, in many cases a power obsessed individual. Yes, I am a dog, I don't need religion.
⬇︎ AI Algorithm - One view leads to another. Which opens up an inexhaustible treasure chest of religious related arguments, just a few of which are shown below, at the end of watching a video on the subject. That so many people take offense to the insidious religious propaganda that has plagued this world for untold millennia is a natural reaction to the curse on humanity posed by religion e.g. fear, ignorance, insecurity, violence, war, suffering, and flawed self asserted superiority over all beholding a sobering non intoxicated view on Life.
Video highlighting the absurdity of medieval/primeval superstitious ignorance
But be aware that eating any animal is a barbarian culture
But be aware that eating any animal is a barbarian culture
Living by the words of religious scripts and preachers is living a life back from the stone age through the medieval periods, a prescription by power obsessed religious rulers and their clergy and their excuses for war and mass murder. Religion is never ending arguments, debates, antagonism, conflict, war, and a deadly a curse on the world. The day religion is wiped off the face of the Earth, people may begin seeing the light that leads to Peace, an end to ignorance, illiteracy and authority built on millennia of lies upon lies.
The astounding persistence by which zealous religious preachers continue to bury the world under their indoctrinated status of being "Messengers" of a non existing God. I am confronted by this harassment via Youtube's algorithm, but by no means new to it. Normally letting it pass and going back to music videos as I have said more than enough in the World Peace Embassy web site, it sometimes gets hard to resist wasting some time responding to religious fervor but today, having a gutful of these preachers I commented on a few videos. My comments may be deleted either by the presenters or Youtube, but they are preserved under the videos below. Enjoy, and if you're still in need of "being saved", try saving yourself your own way.
⬆︎ I'd like a definition of "The Mind" - "My Mind", His, Her, Their Mind". And also, what is someone called who has no religion or an "atheist" tag attached to his forehead, refutes the notion of an almighty god, worse still a loving God, and maintains that the scriptures of ALL religions and their exponential explanatory arsenal are written by men with egos the size of elephants and people totally indoctrinated "out of their "Mind", NOT by some make believe God.
This God of yours must have been enormous, bigger than the Universe, and a scientist with a brain bigger than all human Universities (Universe Cities) on the (this) Planet combined. Furthermore he must have had a production factory/laboratory bigger than all human and animal exploitation and experiments laboratories combined and a workforce bigger than the entire corporate media, social (corporate) media, the war arsenal industry, the military and the banking industry combined. Yes, I sympathize with YOUR God for taking a day off after 6 days of immense trial and error work, extremely exhausting, stressful, often futile (to this very day) and last but not least, very, very unrewarding. Yes, I would sympathize with your make believe corpus persona, if He, as you refer to..... Him??? would really exist. But "He" doesn't, neither is there heaven out in Space somewhere and hell......., well we already have enough of that right here on this precious Planet where every living thing is mentally and physically tortured and destroyed by the genius of a (God created?) species under the guise of a few thousand delirious religious "leaders" and their so beloved institutions towering above all that silently represents the simplicity of Life as it could have been without religion. Enjoy your eternal life folks, hopefully you won't die of perpetual boredom once you get there. There's no greater comfort zone than a crutch to lean on, which may be a requirement after a few thousand years of scrambling through the trillions thick crowds with head office nowhere near in sight. ⬇︎ Video, withdrawn by Jordan Peterson because his waffling on about becoming a Christian after having no religion and his conversion from vegetarian to a mainstream carnivorous animal abuser got him twisted in knots and his idols confused.
⬇︎ My response before the video was deleted ⬆︎ I was a cannibal until 2003, then turned vegetarian because I am disgusted with the animals for food industry and ask myself why I didn't wake up earlier or why I was a devourer of animals to begin with. Not exactly true, born in 1940 under the Fascist Nazi boots in the Netherlands, until 1946 my parents couldn't afford animal flesh. Then it became a luxury once a week, then it became twice a week, etc. Migrating to Australia was like jumping in a Pandora's box of dead animals, steak and mixed grills served for breakfast, lunch, dinner and the all favorite Sunday Aussie animal grilling pastime, the "barbie" accompanied with boxes loaded with tinnies (beer) for good obesity measure. So, I was trained at a hotel school to be a chef, but I quit to be a classical guitar teacher in 1963, still being a cannibal, but it eventually dawned on me via my conscience that I should change my ways if I cared about animals, which I did, so now, just over 20 years ago at age 63 I quit my previous existence for a life of compassion for animals. Notwithstanding, I've lived on 42 acres of ex cattle farming land since 1982, now a regenerated bush land area in the midst of a die hard cattle farmers region, I'm 83, playing live music for the locals, one day every week, and people ask me where I get the energy from, I answer "Latin Music, my 3 animals, one mug of honey sweetened coffee in the mornings, a 2km walk with my dog once sometimes twice a day, organic produce for food as much as possible, heaps of biscuits, sweets, sweet chili sauce on everything (except the sweets and biscuits), vegetarian pies, spinach and cheese "sausage" rolls from the bakery (I hate cooking), a litre or more ginger beer every day and 2 to 4 hours guitar practice mostly before noon". I don't have a TV but I watch music videos in the evenings until my dog tells me it's 10.30 which means I have to switch off the Mac and the lights and hit the sack - there's no way to argue with my dog. So while I sleep the old brain sorts out the technical difficulties presented by some guitar music and simultaneously works on a few new improvisations to add to my repertoire for when I get distracted by an odd non-bulging member of the other species while I'm playing at the sidewalk cafė. Oh, nearly forgot, I also write a lot about politics, religion and world peace, a bit of a conundrum considering the first two just won't cut it with the latter. But anyhow, being a non believer in a fairytale illusions propagated world, a vegetarian, non alcohol, non drugs user, non mobile gadget user, a grandfather, a musician, single for 22 years, never seen a doctor for 35 years and that was because of a funnelweb spider bite, don't do masks, jabs, I'm kicking along fine in the midst of the obese generation and unless they (the war mongers) blow us all off this Planet, I aim to keep playing music for another 30 years. Cheers folks, stop turning this Planet into a place of useless saddening arguments despite the odds, liven up and the world might just become a better place.
⬆︎ You're a story teller. Story telling is the prime occupation of men since stone age cave dwellers first learned to use words to communicate and exert power over others.
Biblical prophecies are nothing but re-written replicas of earlier stories coming out of Egypt, Persia before that, and Sumer before that, and all are edited to suit the time and the contemporary institution of a particular time. To add insult to injury there came Islam and its Qur'an long after the Bible with yet another rendition of story telling with its "prophet" adding his delusional bloodthirsty fiction to put the fear into non believers and believers of non Muslim religions alike. Prophecies are nothing other than foresight based on past and present human behavior but the preachers and religious believers in their eagerness to give reason for the ills in today's society will tell you: "See, it was written in book such and such verse such and such". So you keep pointing fingers at people while you should do that facing a mirror some time and listen to your own voice and ask yourself what gives you the right to subject people to your indoctrinated fictitious ideas. However, you can simply delete this response and keep the preaching to the converted who all are obligingly in over the top agreement with your sermons. And yes, I don't have a religious nor atheist stamp on my forehead, 83 years has taught me to think and weigh the options not from books and sermons, but sift reality from fictional illusions. ⬆︎ You're brainwashing this girl. You're putting words in her head. She has a mind of her own. You start out with parables because you have no real evidence to lean on. What right did you allow yourself to preach something that can never be proven. You're playing judge, jury ans executioner and you're intimidating this girl, that is NOT educating, that is conditioning.
⬆︎ There should be another word for "God". "Consciousness" would be a better word although that word too is debated as much as every scripture claiming "God" as the creator of everything. Frank Turek insists on God being a male (him, his) and an all benevolent and loving one at that. Why dwell on millennia of debates and all too often deadly arguments in all their infinite unanswered mystery, while it would be more beneficial to divert all those energies to end the wars, the poverty and the misery that confront us daily, blatant and openly.
Religion is a political power over people ideology, always has been, always will be. Let's end the bloody wars, the legacies of medieval ignorance, the poverty and the suffering instead of burying humanity under mountains of ancient arguments. ⬆︎ Ridiculous questioning, typical of the bible pushers brainwashing of their willing to listen victims. These two kids are naive and too young to realize that this guy is pushing his own indoctrinated garbage into their brains. And she wears a cross on her ear, typical of agendas projected on vulnerable young people many of whom have no intention to believe in illusions.
This is about pushing false hopes, lies, and guilt. Religions are the curse on humanity, stories written by men, men seeking power over others and zealous writers whose brains failed to see the flaws. As for believers and atheists, there are others never mentioned, people who don't carry a tag stapled on their forehead, people who have enough conscience to know right from wrong without leaning on a make believe crutch such as a make believe "God", people who live by their own common sense principles. Take a holiday in one of the world's war zones, an orphanage in Africa, or a place where unwanted babies are thrown on the garbage dump or a place where people are killing each other over religious differences, or a place where honor killings are the order of the day. Or you could spend a week in a remote wildlife sanctuary and watch how animals kill and devour each other. Then come back and tell the world it's all part of the plan. ⬅︎ Stories play tricks on people, dreams play tricks on people, books, the torah, the bible, the qur'an, the bhagavad gita, preachers, zealous believers in illusions, arguments like presented by this video, propagators of religion, the sympathizing commenters on this video, the salesmen of doomsday, etc etc all play tricks on people, keeping the world confused and in peril. ⬇︎
Morals are embedded in the conscience within every human, given by untold billions of years of evolution via Cosmic Activity, accept it, you cannot find answers in an infinite mass of Cosmic Dust. It takes no make believe miracle maker to distinguish rational thinking and moral behavior from antagonistic and violent thinking and behavior. All believers reasoning is based on speculation since before books were ever written and ever since books were written to this very day, transcribed, translated and edited to suit whichever establishment over thousands of years.
There was no "God" who wrote books and stories of his/her/its existence before the Universe existed, that notion is self defeating. You'd have to be utterly indoctrinated to take the religious fantasies as fact. Stop pushing inexplicable claims and false rhetoric. Time would be better spent addressing the wold's wars, the suffering of millions of men, women and children, the poverty, the despair, and the corruption in the world's political/religious institutions.
There was no "God" who wrote books and stories of his/her/its existence before the Universe existed, that notion is self defeating. You'd have to be utterly indoctrinated to take the religious fantasies as fact. Stop pushing inexplicable claims and false rhetoric. Time would be better spent addressing the wold's wars, the suffering of millions of men, women and children, the poverty, the despair, and the corruption in the world's political/religious institutions.
⬅︎ Why can't "You Atheists" get the point? (12:16). So, here we go again, wasting time on cross chained questions that forever forget that besides Christians and Atheists there are people who carry neither label. Yes, you like to bury people under your subtle fallacious arguments, while dismissing the existence of people who want nothing to do with your religion, your arguments, your ⬇︎
divisive creativity. In fact we, one third of the World population at least, are so tired of your constant bible, Christianity, religion and God pushing, in itself enough to start yet another war on this God void Planet. You don't agree? Well, here's the real "Good News": I don't agree with your relentless attempts to homogenize the entire world population in one melting pot conditional to YOUR indoctrinated idealism.
Yes, scream as much as you like about Islam, any other religion, and, communism, but after all said and done they all live under the one communist umbrella. Ask yourself why life on Earth goes from one war to another and answer with the truth, not with some millions of years engraved image of a non existing illusion. If you so need to fear something, fear your conscience and act according to what it tells you. Have a nice day, take a holiday in Syria, Yemen, Gaza, Sudan, Ethiopia, The Vatican's South America, the homeless cities in New Age Evangelists America and enjoy your self inaugurated all knowing authority.
Yes, scream as much as you like about Islam, any other religion, and, communism, but after all said and done they all live under the one communist umbrella. Ask yourself why life on Earth goes from one war to another and answer with the truth, not with some millions of years engraved image of a non existing illusion. If you so need to fear something, fear your conscience and act according to what it tells you. Have a nice day, take a holiday in Syria, Yemen, Gaza, Sudan, Ethiopia, The Vatican's South America, the homeless cities in New Age Evangelists America and enjoy your self inaugurated all knowing authority.
⬅︎ The man has legitimate questions.
In return he is lectured by Dr (Dr?) Zakir who in his subtle manipulative ways slides into his authoritarian know all tactics. More Muslims as with Christians, Jews, Hindus and all others adhering to man made religions borne out of fear since the stone age, should be asking questions like those asked by this thinking man. |
⬅︎Amazing how we (Christians et all) paraphrase the word "Truth" and discard any intelligent reasoning contrary to your indoctrinated "faith" and write all non believers off as atheists, dumb atheists and people void of clarity, etc. etc. Take note how the all knowing little human parrot talks with an authoritarian little smile on his face to project his "truth". ⬇︎
The truth goes back millennia before any religious fear imposition was ever written. Religion is a mass control system, it is politics, and it is as old as the stone age since some people took the opportunity to cash in on the fear triggered by natural phenomena, thunder, lightning, storms, scary sounds from the jungles, fire spitting volcanoes etc.
All scriptures whatsoever written by men since the first pen was invented continue to play on the same fear and the same illusions of an existence of something that does not exist and miracles that can never be taken serious by any sane thinking person. But, as all you devout believers say, the truth will surface one faithful day, but when it does, it will be utterly disturbing to find all your religious fervor has been a waste of time for yourselves and every living being under the sun.
It's a mystery why you can't just accept Life and live it as the ephemeral existence from birth till the end of your life, the magic inexplicable world you could treasure and share while adding your own gifted creative virtues to enhance that experience for yourself and those you share this Life with instead of muttering on and pushing a "truth" that cannot and will not ever be proven. Try an alternative to antagonism, useless arguments and supporting one war monger in favor of another, perhaps then you might find the real truth instead of a fake man made illusion.
All scriptures whatsoever written by men since the first pen was invented continue to play on the same fear and the same illusions of an existence of something that does not exist and miracles that can never be taken serious by any sane thinking person. But, as all you devout believers say, the truth will surface one faithful day, but when it does, it will be utterly disturbing to find all your religious fervor has been a waste of time for yourselves and every living being under the sun.
It's a mystery why you can't just accept Life and live it as the ephemeral existence from birth till the end of your life, the magic inexplicable world you could treasure and share while adding your own gifted creative virtues to enhance that experience for yourself and those you share this Life with instead of muttering on and pushing a "truth" that cannot and will not ever be proven. Try an alternative to antagonism, useless arguments and supporting one war monger in favor of another, perhaps then you might find the real truth instead of a fake man made illusion.
Above text copied to this ⬇︎ Youtube video
⬆︎ Both interviewer and video presenter are manipulating in their typical bid to push Dawkins into a corner. You're twisting his words and trying hard to make him an ignorant idiot whereas the chips are actually falling on your own head by your own ignorant pursuit to defeat a more intelligent opponent. YOU know everything, anyone else in disagreement with your indoctrinated fantasies is an empty headed shell... in your unrepentant opinion. You're playing dice with humanity without any solid ground to stand on leave alone preach on. Keep on pushing your medieval fantasies and you'll never see a world unchained from religious induced slavery.
⬆︎ In the arena: Seeker of a guiding hand to lead him through his sorrowful existence VS sober realist walking the road of Life on his own two feet.
In the stadium: The judiciary spectators validating the spectacle of words as: Thoughtful, respectful, intellectual, empathetic, philosophising, frank, interesting, pleasing, refreshing, educational, a force for the good of the world, polite, captivating, non aggressive, non confrontational, high level discussion, important, rational, insightful etc. etc. A few quotes from the spectators: 1: I love listening to people like this, even if 50% of it goes flying straight over my head! 2: Watching Peterson converse with Fry was like watching an ant walking up to the Taj Mahal. Originally the ant had intended to inspect all the crevices but once it realised the grandeur of its target and size of the task, it went back to collecting sugar grains and tweeting things to gain patreon sugar. 3: I really like both these men I just wish I could understand all the big words! cont >> |
⬇︎ Same text copied on Youtube under this added 1st paragraph:
You're selling ideas for a better world conditional to a faith that is fundamentally as flawed as any other religious faith. Herewith my 10 cents worth from someone tired of preachers relentlessly pushing THEIR ideologies. Site editorial, July 28/2023
Religion has been pushed by political vested interests throughout the ages. Every empire has pushed its own mass control "religion". Sadly the world has had to content with that as if normal. The notions Christian Nation, Islamic Nation, Hindu Nation, Jewish Nation, all amount to political references and discard the fact that vast populations exist without religious dogmas. In other words, as far as the religious/political world is concerned, non religious people are considered non existing citizens and we just have to put up with the forever insisting presence of the salesmen of false illusions, doomsday, wars, hatred and the religious crocodile tears flooding this Planet. So, herewith my inalienable right as a sovereign individual to freedom of expression of my thoughts concerning "respectful" arguments: Religion has been pushed by political vested interests throughout the ages. Every empire has pushed its own mass control "religion". Sadly the world has had to content with that as if normal. The notions Christian Nation, Islamic Nation, Hindu Nation, Jewish Nation, etc. etc. all amount to none other than political referencing, discarding the fact that vast populations exist without religious dogmas. In other words, as far as the religious/political world is concerned, non religious people parrot fashioned as "atheists" are considered non existing citizens who just have to put up with the forever insisting presence of the salesmen of false illusions, doomsday, hatred, antagonism and the religious crocodile tears flooding this Planet while the war arsenal flies around our ears and men, women and children are relentlessly and mercilessly murdered under the blindfolded eyes of those insisting on infinitely debating something that desperately needs to be wiped of the history slate. Religion, faith in a non existing entity, is a curse on humanity it is the underlying cause of wars, poverty, homelessness, suffering, mental and physical disease. All said, underneath it all Jordan is a good man, but instead of treading the forever ongoing unresolvable religious bandwagon he'd do better to continue focusing on the criminal infestations in the Canadian government and thereby set a precedent to wipe corruption and public ignorance off the face of the Earth, surely, that would be rewarding beyond his wildest dreams, and, everyone else's dreams too.
⬅︎ Feeding the world? I think we have a huge problem....... on both ends of the stick. Change the words "Climate Change" to "Ecosystem Vandalism" - not that it would make any difference to the exponentially perpetuating problem however, just a thought to add "fuel" to the fire. Cont. ⬇︎
Happy motoring folks but chin up, we'll soon be going Musk from dawn to dusk, and flying 'mong the stars to set up shop on Mars, growing hydroponics, selling android phonics, there's no soil, but plenty of oil, come along for a song, bring all your pigeons to keep your religions, you'll be in the clouds 'mong infinite crowds, macs in stacks to please the obese, don' worry no need to be sorry, weed in all its worth is brought in from Earth, put on your grace look for the all new Facebook, but don't despair, be aware, Zuckerberg, Gates, Fauci, Musk, Bezos, Ali Baba, Jordan Peterson, Trudeau, Schwab, and several other famous Hollywood stars will take you for tours in their all electric cosmic cars 😁
*After seeing my post deleted 3 times within seconds after posting and re-posting it, it is obvious that censorship is rife and active in defense of the world's criminal money spinners.
My final response: "One sided argument. The girl is as much a victim of a society gone off the rails as much as this guy is complicit in the cause of it".
*After seeing my post deleted 3 times within seconds after posting and re-posting it, it is obvious that censorship is rife and active in defense of the world's criminal money spinners.
My final response: "One sided argument. The girl is as much a victim of a society gone off the rails as much as this guy is complicit in the cause of it".
⬇︎ Slide Show - The work of the delusional faithful's God illusion
And so, the religious arguments remain unresolved until the end of time and the rational
non believers in illusions caught in a limbo are holding their breath.
non believers in illusions caught in a limbo are holding their breath.
⬇︎ More on the subject at The World Peace Embassy ⬇︎