2023 AD - The Future
The future of Mankind is no secret - it has been mapped, developed, and is being implemented one step at a time until migration to Mars for a minor % of the human race has been given the green light with essential infrastructures in place.
At this point there are 42 years since 1982 to add to my keeper's story, but on my advice that since he has done more than enough writing on his pet World Peace project, he agreed, obviously, because he knows that I know when enough is enough and.......... this is not an autobiography or biography about either my keeper or me, so, we'll get to the point:
THE FUTURE BEYOND 2023 AD We, the ENTIRE human race should know by now that OUR world, the human world, has been manipulated by forces we know nothing about. The ENTIRE human race means EVERY person living on this Planet as a subject of ANY religious/political institution whatsoever, whatsoever means ANY bureaucracy, organization, branch and affiliate associated with the institution, such as the finance corporations, the military, and all of their participating agencies such as religions, governments, tech industries, the medical, laboratories, news, charity and entertainment industries, etc etc etc. INDIGENOUS INHABITANTS TO HYBRID SLAVERY Planet Earth is a miraculous organic speck of dust in the vast, infinite Universe. It was NOT created by a revered being as propagandized since the beginnings of the hybrid industrial civilization e.g. slave labor work force. The illusion of a creator of EVERYTHING in all its manufactured manifestations was created by top of the hierarchy beings of civilizations we know nothing about except for what has deliberately and falsely been projected into the subconscious brain receptors. These top of the hierarchy beings were worshiped as Gods - Gods who had the military and bureaucratic legions to force feed their claims as rulers over the society and had their scientists capable of hybridizing stone age Earth dwellers to become the labor force to fulfill whatever agendas were on the cards: Species survival and wars to dominate the Universe, with the Earth as the laboratory and testing ground. continue☞ |
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I am Amigo, I am a cross Kelpie - German Shepherd and the companion of my keeper. My senses of smell, sight and hearing extend far beyond those of any human. My keeper is an 84 year old human, guitarist, composer and a writer for World Peace, Justice and Harmony for the well being of all of humanity. He moved from the Sydney ghettos environment to a 42 acre bush land property at age 42, raised a family while working to restore the cattle destroyed place back to its natural state and cultivate 5 acres to grow organic crops void of toxic, nutrition and health destroying chemicals. ☜continue Primitive indigenous people existed long before the hybridization to slave status by the handiwork of the Gods. These Gods in all their romanticized pageantry are the war lords and rulers worshiped by mankind in all its purposely divided existence. The creation of a Creator of All Things has been the deceiving mechanism to keep humanity focused on a non existing figure, propagated by many divisive religious institutions and perceived by their "faithful" adherent followers as a real human-like being. Wars are the manifestation of all this deliberately created divisiveness. |
Bookmark this page. And....... please play some music to brighten your life ⬇︎
Bookmark this page. And....... please play some music to brighten your life ⬇︎
⬇︎ When real artists speak for humanity
⬇︎ Full PDF Documents from the horses' mouths in B & W
⬇︎ The Thinking ??? Muslim
Zionism AND Islam both, are the most dangerous ideologies on this Earth today, while the Vatican quietly keeps its agenda out of sight. All religious/political/military/corporate institutions are playing Russian Roulette with Life on Earth, oblivious to the suffering they impose on all living species. As far as religion per say is concerned, ALL religions are a millenniums old lie and a curse on humanity, full stop.
Since wireless became a household commodity late 1800's the Zion run CIA has used popular American music and musicians to spread their war propaganda. See also: Hippy Mind Control
⬇︎ Watch - Sometimes a documentary about a movie can be better than the movie
Off the Planet Videos
The bizarre suggestion ⬆︎ that the moon is hollow AND created by some off the Planet species AND... serving as an observatory to keep an eye on Planet Earth is by any stretch of the imagination far fetched, although, like the mystifying existence of everything real AND everything believed (assumed) to be real, we could always keep an open Mind - as in every day language. Since the "Mind" is an invisible phenomenon conveying external information to the brain - things get confusing if we would use the term "Keeping an open Brain", so we'll stick with the common man's language "Keeping an open Mind". Since the "Mind" alone is such an incomprehensible mystery, we should keep the brain receptors open to other feasible possibilities of things that might exist but we don't know how. NOTE: "Feasible Possibilities" e.g. things that could potentially be proven to exist e.g. don't waste your energies on an illusive, loving, elusive cosmic creator of everything god - the word should not have a capital G nor should it even exist.
More similar videos to come in this section?... quizas, quizas, quizas... 🎺🎸🪘
More similar videos to come in this section?... quizas, quizas, quizas... 🎺🎸🪘
⬇︎ Or perhaps we should go back where we started from and clean the slate........... ???
⬆︎ From the End Of The Road Slide Show at the World Peace Embassy