I Exist
as an individual, carrying no religious, political, corporate or any other stamp on my forehead
as an individual, carrying no religious, political, corporate or any other stamp on my forehead
February 1940 to October 2023
I was brought onto this Earth a human being
Stamped on a piece of paper verifying my existence
Listed as a new addition to the system
to fulfill my duties as a citizen under the laws
I started my journey learning to walk
while uniformed men marched through the streets
heavy boots on the cobble stoned pavement
a monotone 4/4 beat on the humdrum of bombers above
Playing on the street a 3 year old
amid rolls of barbed wire blocking streets
and heavy artillery standing guard
at confiscated buildings, railways and ship docks
Staring through the barbwire fence
into a human roundup corral
for Jewish people in forced transit to Germany
among them my childhood friend's father
I am three and a half years old
My sister is one year old
My father is taken to work in a German factory
We are given vouchers for soup kitchen food rations
The monotonous drone of airforce squadrons
over a densely populated Amsterdam
accompanies loud explosions all around
fear and panic stricken people running for shelter
I am 4 years old, it's winter and freezing cold
With my childhood friends we collect old wood
at the nearby railway and ship docks
a German soldier shoots a 7 year old friend, dead
I am five years old
My father is back from Germany
after the deliberation of my home town
by Canadian forces giving us chocolates
Life begins to take a long anticipated twist
People dancing in the streets
singing and shouting "The War Is Over!"
after over 100 million died of atrocities
Things slowly evolve to normal
I didn't know what "normal" was
I only knew war as normal
the first 5 years of my life
I am 6 years old
going to elementary school for 6 years
playing kids games with my friends
swimming in summer, skating in winter
I am 13 years old, going to a trade school
at 16, I start working as an apprentice chef
at 18, I am conscripted in the army
learning to drive trucks, clean and load guns
1961, I am 21 years old
On the Menzies immigration scheme incentives
I migrate to Australia, working as a chef
My father mother and two sisters follow in 1963
I am 23, trashed my chef's diploma
beginning my life as a classical guitar teacher
Music becomes my vocation and my challenge
my students become my teachers
I self study on the fundamentals
learned from other teachers
classical, Flamenco, jazz while teaching
and playing guitar in my father's band
I am 35 years old
Flamenco becomes my teacher
the turbulent history of humanity
slowly starts to dawn on me
I am 42 years old
I'm married and have 3 kids
I move from the city to a 42 acre rural hills place
I grow 5 acres of organic produce
I learn about the ecosystem
how the natural world has everything in place
to provide humanity with all it needs
but humanity lives with no regard
I am 71, living alone since 2000 CE
initiating a dream for World Peace 2010
November 25 International Global Consciousness Day
becomes a 24/7 occupation
My father was an accomplished musician
my mother loved nature, animals and family
my two sisters were successful organic farmers
All passed on, father at 74, mother 97, sisters 54 and 74
I have 2 children and 4 grand children
I had 3 children, one joined the Australian army
he committed suicide while in the army
Also, my sister in law and 2 friends, 1 Jewish
Subscribed to Facebook 2011 to network for World Peace
Soon saw the ugly truth about Facebook per say,
and its trolls, scammers and political spin doctors
Facebook account deleted 2018
Conversations on the street and via email
resulting in the loss of.... "friends"
Emails to politicians and humanitarian organizations
resulting in an eerie silence
A Yemeni school teacher 2016 tells me
"Allah comes before World Peace"
while relentless bombardments continue
obliterating his country and its population
A Nigerian Facebook "friend" using my FB group
to promote his "Christian" propaganda
and raise money for the Lagos Jehovah's Witnesses
while their hospital held a child whose mother couldn't pay the bill
This story merely covers the tip of the iceberg
the mission impossible story
without the guns, the money, the Hollywood glamour,
and clearly without the endorsement of the UN
Perhaps I was naive
to believe there is a way to end the wars
the legacies of religion, politics, division, corruption,
antagonism, hate, violence, and the consequences
2023 CE, I am 83
My web sites tell the story, 2010 to 2023
They will remain on the net
unfinished, like the trail of human suffering
My message to the conveyors of wars and misery
remains unapologetic in the face of
relentless unapologetic religious/political
pursuit by all pro-war anti-change parties
To the current most obnoxious brutal war mongers
their administrators, executors, associates,
financiers, followers and supporters,
my message herewith:
"You are the most insidious, vile, narcissistic, destructive,
barbaric, non-human war on humanity inciting criminals
on the face of the Earth
You are a disgrace, a perilous curse on Humanity
For all your evil deeds
may you never find a single night sleep in your sorry lives
and find yourself begging for an end to your miserable existence
mercilessly as you have imposed your insanity on this world"
I Exist was written as a message to all those adults in this world who have forgotten that
they were children once, born to see a world of wonders they can never cease to embrace until............ the day the adult world shows them a world that has no relationship with Life.
The inconceivable stupidity that governs Life on Earth ruins every new born child's life from
day one. Even in the worst of man made destruction, children somehow still see the wonders
of the natural world with shining eyes and a smiling face. Show a child a flower, an animal, a happy face, and it will take it into its heart for life. But all the adult world in its relentless creation of institutional and industrial garbage has to offer is wars, deluge, broken dreams, broken lives, a world turned into a poisoned garbage dump, a mass graveyard of destroyed and obsolete war arsenal, billions of buried soldiers and civilians, broken down
and obsolete commodities, cars, tech industry gadgets, ruined cities, towns and villages.
Nothing remotely resembles the simplicity of life humanity was given by birth to live and
aspire to without the insanity borne out of sheer ignorance. But we make amends by
means of happy faces on bank, real estate and join the armed forces brochures, and the
double life size photographs in the windows of the fashion and tourist industries. We're
living in a man created fake world that is unfit for children to be born and grow up in.
Anyone cares to change?
Site Editor October 22, 2023
I was brought onto this Earth a human being
Stamped on a piece of paper verifying my existence
Listed as a new addition to the system
to fulfill my duties as a citizen under the laws
I started my journey learning to walk
while uniformed men marched through the streets
heavy boots on the cobble stoned pavement
a monotone 4/4 beat on the humdrum of bombers above
Playing on the street a 3 year old
amid rolls of barbed wire blocking streets
and heavy artillery standing guard
at confiscated buildings, railways and ship docks
Staring through the barbwire fence
into a human roundup corral
for Jewish people in forced transit to Germany
among them my childhood friend's father
I am three and a half years old
My sister is one year old
My father is taken to work in a German factory
We are given vouchers for soup kitchen food rations
The monotonous drone of airforce squadrons
over a densely populated Amsterdam
accompanies loud explosions all around
fear and panic stricken people running for shelter
I am 4 years old, it's winter and freezing cold
With my childhood friends we collect old wood
at the nearby railway and ship docks
a German soldier shoots a 7 year old friend, dead
I am five years old
My father is back from Germany
after the deliberation of my home town
by Canadian forces giving us chocolates
Life begins to take a long anticipated twist
People dancing in the streets
singing and shouting "The War Is Over!"
after over 100 million died of atrocities
Things slowly evolve to normal
I didn't know what "normal" was
I only knew war as normal
the first 5 years of my life
I am 6 years old
going to elementary school for 6 years
playing kids games with my friends
swimming in summer, skating in winter
I am 13 years old, going to a trade school
at 16, I start working as an apprentice chef
at 18, I am conscripted in the army
learning to drive trucks, clean and load guns
1961, I am 21 years old
On the Menzies immigration scheme incentives
I migrate to Australia, working as a chef
My father mother and two sisters follow in 1963
I am 23, trashed my chef's diploma
beginning my life as a classical guitar teacher
Music becomes my vocation and my challenge
my students become my teachers
I self study on the fundamentals
learned from other teachers
classical, Flamenco, jazz while teaching
and playing guitar in my father's band
I am 35 years old
Flamenco becomes my teacher
the turbulent history of humanity
slowly starts to dawn on me
I am 42 years old
I'm married and have 3 kids
I move from the city to a 42 acre rural hills place
I grow 5 acres of organic produce
I learn about the ecosystem
how the natural world has everything in place
to provide humanity with all it needs
but humanity lives with no regard
I am 71, living alone since 2000 CE
initiating a dream for World Peace 2010
November 25 International Global Consciousness Day
becomes a 24/7 occupation
My father was an accomplished musician
my mother loved nature, animals and family
my two sisters were successful organic farmers
All passed on, father at 74, mother 97, sisters 54 and 74
I have 2 children and 4 grand children
I had 3 children, one joined the Australian army
he committed suicide while in the army
Also, my sister in law and 2 friends, 1 Jewish
Subscribed to Facebook 2011 to network for World Peace
Soon saw the ugly truth about Facebook per say,
and its trolls, scammers and political spin doctors
Facebook account deleted 2018
Conversations on the street and via email
resulting in the loss of.... "friends"
Emails to politicians and humanitarian organizations
resulting in an eerie silence
A Yemeni school teacher 2016 tells me
"Allah comes before World Peace"
while relentless bombardments continue
obliterating his country and its population
A Nigerian Facebook "friend" using my FB group
to promote his "Christian" propaganda
and raise money for the Lagos Jehovah's Witnesses
while their hospital held a child whose mother couldn't pay the bill
This story merely covers the tip of the iceberg
the mission impossible story
without the guns, the money, the Hollywood glamour,
and clearly without the endorsement of the UN
Perhaps I was naive
to believe there is a way to end the wars
the legacies of religion, politics, division, corruption,
antagonism, hate, violence, and the consequences
2023 CE, I am 83
My web sites tell the story, 2010 to 2023
They will remain on the net
unfinished, like the trail of human suffering
My message to the conveyors of wars and misery
remains unapologetic in the face of
relentless unapologetic religious/political
pursuit by all pro-war anti-change parties
To the current most obnoxious brutal war mongers
their administrators, executors, associates,
financiers, followers and supporters,
my message herewith:
"You are the most insidious, vile, narcissistic, destructive,
barbaric, non-human war on humanity inciting criminals
on the face of the Earth
You are a disgrace, a perilous curse on Humanity
For all your evil deeds
may you never find a single night sleep in your sorry lives
and find yourself begging for an end to your miserable existence
mercilessly as you have imposed your insanity on this world"
I Exist was written as a message to all those adults in this world who have forgotten that
they were children once, born to see a world of wonders they can never cease to embrace until............ the day the adult world shows them a world that has no relationship with Life.
The inconceivable stupidity that governs Life on Earth ruins every new born child's life from
day one. Even in the worst of man made destruction, children somehow still see the wonders
of the natural world with shining eyes and a smiling face. Show a child a flower, an animal, a happy face, and it will take it into its heart for life. But all the adult world in its relentless creation of institutional and industrial garbage has to offer is wars, deluge, broken dreams, broken lives, a world turned into a poisoned garbage dump, a mass graveyard of destroyed and obsolete war arsenal, billions of buried soldiers and civilians, broken down
and obsolete commodities, cars, tech industry gadgets, ruined cities, towns and villages.
Nothing remotely resembles the simplicity of life humanity was given by birth to live and
aspire to without the insanity borne out of sheer ignorance. But we make amends by
means of happy faces on bank, real estate and join the armed forces brochures, and the
double life size photographs in the windows of the fashion and tourist industries. We're
living in a man created fake world that is unfit for children to be born and grow up in.
Anyone cares to change?
Site Editor October 22, 2023
⬆︎ Due to lack of space thousands more eligible people can't be placed in this portrait section
⬇︎ I EXIST - The Palestinian truth these ⬆︎ specimen won't talk about
⬇︎ I EXIST - The Palestinian truth these ⬆︎ specimen won't talk about
⬇︎ Meet Tal, the biggest man in the world today.
A shining example of freedom from tyranny. May all young people throughout the world follow in his footsteps and refuse to be conscripted in the military murder industry.
A shining example of freedom from tyranny. May all young people throughout the world follow in his footsteps and refuse to be conscripted in the military murder industry.
⬇︎ October 30 / 2023 Document
| Gaza P1 | Gaza P2 | Gaza P3 | I Exist | The Genocide Laboratory |
November 2023, the unbelievably unfathomable rhetoric carries on
in the diplomatic hothouses of the religious/political wars on humanity
while people are dying of horrific insidious acts 10,000 a day
The November 2011 Petition for World Peace
Mission Impossible - Signing off, Site Editor November 14, 2023
November 2023, the unbelievably unfathomable rhetoric carries on
in the diplomatic hothouses of the religious/political wars on humanity
while people are dying of horrific insidious acts 10,000 a day
The November 2011 Petition for World Peace
Mission Impossible - Signing off, Site Editor November 14, 2023