Cause and Effect
The Birth Of Life
Other than guesswork, the time, how and why cannot be established. Evolution over nothing less than trillions of years is the only feasible answer, although of little use at best. |
Where We Are Now
October 2023 CE (Common Era) formerly known as AD (After Death e.g. the fabled Roman scapegoat character of Jesus Christ, preacher, redeemer, savior, Lord, God, etc.) |
Slavery BCE (Before the Common Era)
Established by extraterrestrials or humanity? Based on ongoing debates, the energies consuming this subject should be replaced by Natural Life education and the eradication of slavery and its propagating institutions. |
Slavery by October 2023 CE
Everything since the beginnings of slavery has gone from bad to worse. By this day and age slavery has evolved to a 5-7 days a week voluntary mundane workforce jobs existence occupying the lives of all and sundry. |
Wars, Gods and Warlords
From the first rock paintings to the cuneiform clay prints to the hieroglyphics to paintings and the press printed formats of thousands of languages, dialects and scriptures from the Bhagavad Gita through to all religious scripts to date, wars, Gods and Warlords have taken up the mental, physical and material space, occupying mind, body, and the industrialized manufacture of paper to war arsenal. |
Wars, Gods and Warlords 2023 CE
Current: Ukraine-Israel-Palestine-Gaza-West Bank-Egypt-Sudan-Lebanon-Syria-Turkey to Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, the Gulf, Bosnia, Vietnam, Cambodia, US overthrow of every government in South America back to the so called World Wars I and II, the UK/European division, colonization and militarization of Africa, the spreading of fear by military, government and religious establishments. |
"Quo Vadis" - "Where are you going?"
Quo Vadis October 2023
Jews and Zionism
An ongoing war over land no one owns. Articles, videos and slide shows throughout this site and the World Peace Embassy Site cover a great deal on the destitute dilemma posed by Jewish religion. Page Links: | Israel October 23 | Voices for World Peace | | October 20 | I Exist | The God Dilemma | For elaborate historical information see Wikipedia |
Catholics and Christianity
Ongoing divisiveness over an illusion. Articles, videos and slide shows throughout this site and the World Peace Embassy Site cover a great deal on the destitute dilemma posed by the Vatican and Christianity. World Peace Embassy Links: | Religion | | Merry X-mas | The Dying Satanic Culture | For elaborate historical information see Wikipedia |
⬇︎ What about the Philistines? And the video no 2024 news media will broadcast ⬇︎
The manifestation of an all male institution condemning their own mothers, daughters and sisters to slave/servant status, declaring death on all Qur'anic dissidents, upholding the insidious afterlife harem dreams of an insane war and power obsessed character. Articles, videos and slide shows throughout this site and the World Peace Embassy Site cover a great deal on the destitute dilemma posed by Islam. For elaborate historical information see Wikipedia |
People persecution
People survival
Wars and the War Arsenal Industry
All People Are Complicit
It's a plastic world. There is nothing man made in this world that is not made partly or entirely of plastic. It lines your food packaging, food wraps, beverages and water bottles, it's the body and many parts of your car, it's the furniture in your home, the commodities, appliances, computers, phone gadgets, and it's turning humanity into a plastic humanoid robot slave for the system. |
WEF - the World Economic Forum
Cashless Society
Mechanized Industries
From toys to cars to weapons, digital high tech industrialization produces more than 8 billion people can consume. But we have break down due date blueprints and garbage dumps to keep the insanity alive and kicking and we can find consolation in a thriving oil industry. |
Mechanized Humans
Robots becoming more and more human like and humans becoming more and more like robots. By 2024 it will become hard to distinguish one from the other, but mass production of both will soon merge as one industry and end the confusion. |
Heading towards a Star Wars Society
Unlikely return to the Natural World
An imaginary man made city floating aimlessly in the vast infinite Universe. Aptly named "Death Planet" for the "Star Wars" movie, it is a place void of Life from its outer shell to its computer rooms and fighter jets ports interior. Good for Branson, Musk and Bezos perhaps, not good for other people.
The Natural World, a world forgotten and never known by many who spend their lives in the fake world of the high tech ghettos. People in the living species destruction occupations and industries are emotionally detached from anything resembling Life - their presence prohibits a Natural World coexistence.
Artificial Intelligence.........
Creating a false world, a playschool for the tech nerds and the naive teenagers, the last nail in the coffin of humanity. AI is humanity's next step of creating a crutch to go through life by as the Bible and Qur'an God delusions fades from the millenniums long indoctrinated human status. The most likely effect to come from this is a human VS robots and humanoids revolution. It can only be hoped that this long overdue revolution against this insanity will destroy the entire AI and robots industry for once and for all and not cause anymore bloodshed as has been the revolutions norm over the millennia. |
Philosophical prophecy and the non theist Indian response to religion
The World Population
At this day in November 11, 2023, the world's human population stands at 8 billion people, that is 8,000,000,000.00 or, Eight Thousand Million people, fluctuating between a few million more or less depending on causes of death by wars, other criminal murders and people driven to mass shootings by insanity caused by the general society's behavior. |
The Meaning of Life
There is no actual meaning to Life other than what we as individuals make of it for our own well being while guided by the concept that all Life has come about by a series of events in which no human or other species had a hand and therefor whatever we choose to do in this once a lifetime life should be done with respect for oneself, all others, and the Planet. |