Bricks & Mortar *
* The page title Bricks & Mortar was suggested by my 260 IQ dog Amigo. We live in a 150 year old wooden house in the Australian bush, amid the forest and the amazing wildlife commuting on the ground and through the trees. All have their adopted territory, they're never far away. Their territory is their home, they know where everything is, their food, their place to sleep, and they have their daily routines like just walking or flying around, the kids play their games, the males chase the females or vice versa. So what does this have to do with bricks and mortar? Read on and watch the videos ⬇︎
Why we should thank Jewish scientists... ???
I was born in the Netherlands February 1940. Ask me what I think of Hitler, the Nazis, the Gestapo, the Wehrmacht, the 3rd Reich, and the Dutch Grühne Polizei...... I guess you get it. I had Jewish friends as a child and later at work. I remember since I was 3-5 years old, a barb wired place close to my home where Jewish people were herded for transit to Germany's Auschwitz and several more concentration camps aka
killing facilities..... the sum left up to the reader. And how Jewish people were indiscriminately and ruthlessly segregated from the rest of German society during the years leading up to 1939. And my father forcibly taken to Germany 1943 to work in one of Hitler's weapons factories.
But here is my response to the author of this video: I do not owe, or thank my life to any Jewish person past or present. I owe my life to my father and mother, period. All those geniuses, Jews and other, have brought the world the destruction we are witnessing today, irrespective of the causes that gave rise to their inventions. Atom bombs, nuclear weapons and all that came prior to these monstrous war industry products, the pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, artificial fertilizers, color and supermarket shelve life prolonging chemicals we all feed on to........... live a longer and predominantly unproductive life?
As for religions, there exists no consensus for their existence and there never will be, since all religions are based on illusions and political power ideologies. Land claims by Jews or anyone else are flawed, there never existed land ownership until land was politically and forcefully taken possession of and people became subject to politically motivated bureaucratic authority institutions - religious, military, governmental, corporate, etc. The excuses for our progressive existence bog the Mind. In all truth were are a savage species.
Compared with the so called "animal kingdom" we ravage, steel, murder, wage wars, and raise trillions of animals for slaughter, trade and amusement. Our entire history is soaked in religious/political/ideological/industrial blood and we claim to preside over the fate of animals on a presumptuous, fallacious, invented god given right, including sacrifice massacres to please our non existing gods.
Wildlife is no fairytale, carnivores, herbivores and omnivores all live in the same domain where killing to survive is a daily occupation. Humans are not animals. We have evolved as the barbaric, egocentric, self imposed all knowing species that doesn't know other than to elaborate on ignorance. We have no business ruling over animals nor the natural environment, neither do we have any given authority to rule over any human being.
We hope for a better world, we cry out for Peace, but we don't know the way and many don't even care. With all our self assumed knowledge, all our profound capabilities and all of our millions of years crossbred bloodlines we remain an ignorant and divided species, killing each other via a Pandora's Box of sadistic tricks, individuals VS individuals, groups VS groups, race VS race, countries VS countries, the military VS all.
I am an 84 year old classical/multicultural guitarist/composer, 1940-1961 I grew up in Amsterdam, 1961-1982 I have lived in Sydney, 1982 till current I have lived in an Australian bush land environment. Every morning I take my dog for a walk along a narrow dirt road surrounded by forest, no buildings to be seen, on the frequencies of flora, fauna harmonized by the twitter of birds no urban commerce deafened dweller will ever hear.
Once a week I play my music at a local community venue - the music, my pet animals the surrounding regenerating forest, and the hope for a sane world without war for all children growing up today are my motivations for living, not an elusive non existing God, not a Jewish inventor. Bob Oort, site editor June 2024
But here is my response to the author of this video: I do not owe, or thank my life to any Jewish person past or present. I owe my life to my father and mother, period. All those geniuses, Jews and other, have brought the world the destruction we are witnessing today, irrespective of the causes that gave rise to their inventions. Atom bombs, nuclear weapons and all that came prior to these monstrous war industry products, the pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, artificial fertilizers, color and supermarket shelve life prolonging chemicals we all feed on to........... live a longer and predominantly unproductive life?
As for religions, there exists no consensus for their existence and there never will be, since all religions are based on illusions and political power ideologies. Land claims by Jews or anyone else are flawed, there never existed land ownership until land was politically and forcefully taken possession of and people became subject to politically motivated bureaucratic authority institutions - religious, military, governmental, corporate, etc. The excuses for our progressive existence bog the Mind. In all truth were are a savage species.
Compared with the so called "animal kingdom" we ravage, steel, murder, wage wars, and raise trillions of animals for slaughter, trade and amusement. Our entire history is soaked in religious/political/ideological/industrial blood and we claim to preside over the fate of animals on a presumptuous, fallacious, invented god given right, including sacrifice massacres to please our non existing gods.
Wildlife is no fairytale, carnivores, herbivores and omnivores all live in the same domain where killing to survive is a daily occupation. Humans are not animals. We have evolved as the barbaric, egocentric, self imposed all knowing species that doesn't know other than to elaborate on ignorance. We have no business ruling over animals nor the natural environment, neither do we have any given authority to rule over any human being.
We hope for a better world, we cry out for Peace, but we don't know the way and many don't even care. With all our self assumed knowledge, all our profound capabilities and all of our millions of years crossbred bloodlines we remain an ignorant and divided species, killing each other via a Pandora's Box of sadistic tricks, individuals VS individuals, groups VS groups, race VS race, countries VS countries, the military VS all.
I am an 84 year old classical/multicultural guitarist/composer, 1940-1961 I grew up in Amsterdam, 1961-1982 I have lived in Sydney, 1982 till current I have lived in an Australian bush land environment. Every morning I take my dog for a walk along a narrow dirt road surrounded by forest, no buildings to be seen, on the frequencies of flora, fauna harmonized by the twitter of birds no urban commerce deafened dweller will ever hear.
Once a week I play my music at a local community venue - the music, my pet animals the surrounding regenerating forest, and the hope for a sane world without war for all children growing up today are my motivations for living, not an elusive non existing God, not a Jewish inventor. Bob Oort, site editor June 2024
History has brought Planet Earth an astronomical amount of abuse. That abuse has created a society that on the whole has become oblivious to its devastating effect on every aspect of Life.
The great divide between the wealthy and the underprivileged is not a secret, it is as clear as daylight and the cause of this divide is equally clear, though shrouded in the mysteries of the human mind, or, the mind or minds controlling human cognitive limitations and consequent low level behavior.
Developing an intelligent human race is not part of the curricula of any form of education be it governmental, private, religious, militarily or corporate. Education throughout Planet Earth's society is based on prescribed conditioning. Religions were handed to the human race as the mechanism for control, for humanity to obey and to exist within the framework of global slavery driven infrastructure - a pyramid system with an administrative body at the top, the mid levels to execute the progressive flow charts, the lower levels for the manual labor, this being the simplified graph, details aren't necessary, the entire system is displayed in every day life.
So, the few people in a variety of administrative roles have taken their privileged position as their carte blanche to create their lust for lavish lifestyles. They built their Utopian pursuits under the guise of authority displayed by the material wealth and theatrical pomp surrounding them in their association with one cult or other. Embracing one religion or another or a number of religions as their certificate of goodwill for humanity they set out building their temples across the Planet - a mandatory practice of all religions to raise legitimacy and...... money.
And so, the sheer goodwill of lavish exterior and interior impressive architectural institution has manifested by the work of designers, craftsmen and..... slave labor. None of the monstrosities built by the administrative section could have been built without huge amounts of money and huge numbers of low level citizens and slave laborers - say no more about the castles of the royal elite, all attached to one religious cult or other. Of all the good religions claim to do for humanity, there is nothing to show other than wars, misery, starvation, death and destruction, and wildlife and ecosystem devastation.
And the billions of people at the bottom half of the pyramid can watch all that lavish luxury on a screen, between the wars and the corruption, or turn the pages of printed books laced with the fairy tales and pictures of kings, queens, princes and princesses, and the heroes that fought the holy wars killing millions with swords, spears, arrows and axes, no mention of the suffering of the dying, or the women and children left behind to fend for themselves in this self centered world of cults, wealth, pomp, theatrical addiction and the audacious lies claiming they care.
Please make your own assessments of the videos to follow.
The great divide between the wealthy and the underprivileged is not a secret, it is as clear as daylight and the cause of this divide is equally clear, though shrouded in the mysteries of the human mind, or, the mind or minds controlling human cognitive limitations and consequent low level behavior.
Developing an intelligent human race is not part of the curricula of any form of education be it governmental, private, religious, militarily or corporate. Education throughout Planet Earth's society is based on prescribed conditioning. Religions were handed to the human race as the mechanism for control, for humanity to obey and to exist within the framework of global slavery driven infrastructure - a pyramid system with an administrative body at the top, the mid levels to execute the progressive flow charts, the lower levels for the manual labor, this being the simplified graph, details aren't necessary, the entire system is displayed in every day life.
So, the few people in a variety of administrative roles have taken their privileged position as their carte blanche to create their lust for lavish lifestyles. They built their Utopian pursuits under the guise of authority displayed by the material wealth and theatrical pomp surrounding them in their association with one cult or other. Embracing one religion or another or a number of religions as their certificate of goodwill for humanity they set out building their temples across the Planet - a mandatory practice of all religions to raise legitimacy and...... money.
And so, the sheer goodwill of lavish exterior and interior impressive architectural institution has manifested by the work of designers, craftsmen and..... slave labor. None of the monstrosities built by the administrative section could have been built without huge amounts of money and huge numbers of low level citizens and slave laborers - say no more about the castles of the royal elite, all attached to one religious cult or other. Of all the good religions claim to do for humanity, there is nothing to show other than wars, misery, starvation, death and destruction, and wildlife and ecosystem devastation.
And the billions of people at the bottom half of the pyramid can watch all that lavish luxury on a screen, between the wars and the corruption, or turn the pages of printed books laced with the fairy tales and pictures of kings, queens, princes and princesses, and the heroes that fought the holy wars killing millions with swords, spears, arrows and axes, no mention of the suffering of the dying, or the women and children left behind to fend for themselves in this self centered world of cults, wealth, pomp, theatrical addiction and the audacious lies claiming they care.
Please make your own assessments of the videos to follow.
The religious fever has established itself in an assault rampage across the world, in all its twisted diversity, attaching itself like one giant leach onto the brains of a most vulnerable human race. The sheer volume of preachers pumping their God ego onto the people is the manifestation of the very evil they profess to detest but in fact is their walking stick through the land of the fear imposed population.
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