The crime bigger than World War I & II combined
if it wasn't part of the same criminal agenda
NOTE: This video ⬆︎ (unfortunately removed by YouTube on behalf of the criminal establishment) was discovered and added June 30, 2023. It has been placed 1st on this page, above all previously posted videos. Here you'll hear the truth, finally, after posting hundreds of articles/videos in the World Peace Embassy Web Site - see links at the bottom of this page and elsewhere in this site since January 2020. As Dr Martin clearly demonstrates, the warnings have been there since 1966 but no one saw, no one heard, no one wanted to know; that, is the legacy of crime, ignorance and fear playing havoc with Human Life and not only Human Life, but ALL Life On Earth. Still, are the masses listening? From this editor's personal experience and 12 year of writing on the net for sanity, people are not only not listening, they are not willing to listen - and that, comes at the cost of most the feared event of all.
The warnings about this criminal have been there for over 40 years, but no one heard
Watch on YouTube to read the unanimous voice of the viewers and the victims of this monster
April 18, 2023 - BEWARE of government "COVID-19 Get the latest..." notices on videos diverting viewers to the Covid-19 corporate interest scaremongering propaganda. Don't fall for the push to force the deadly vaccines onto the public. Governments are serving Pfizer, Gates, the WEF, the WHO, their associates, and their criminal assault on the human population. Watch the videos below to learn the truth.
The Covid19 "pandemic" was imposed on the entire world November 2019 conducted by the world's most ruthless criminals. The only person who told the truth then and before had her life ruined by those with the power to discard human lives indiscriminately as the years 2020 through to 2023 have clearly demonstrated. Most videos of Judy Mikovits since 2014 till now, 2023, have been deleted off the net by the same authoritarian criminals that grind the lives of 7-8 billion people, Earth's entire population, into a fear and substandard existence.
Judy Mikovits, the 1st to warn people about viruses, the most suppressed by the media and the corporations standing to lose trillions from being exposed for their crimes
If a white field error message shows ⬇︎ instead of the Rumble video, reload the page
*If this video is loading too slow make yourself a mug of caffeine, then restart the video
WARNING: Turn the volume down before starting this video, then turn it up to suit
WARNING: Turn the volume down before starting this video, then turn it up to suit
NOTE: There is more to changing a world that has been derailed for tens of millennia than taking on the criminal system via the Judiciary System - the "judiciary system" is none other but a system devised by the ruling class, it is THEIR LAW. "Their law" is a game of words, only very few outside the ruling class have enough knowledge of that language to make a successful case. No court case against the elite ever won has stood the test of time - what the "system" gives, it takes back tenfold, over time if not immediately, by force if not by some backhanded subtle means.
Throughout this site and the World Peace Embassy site there are controversies in videos, articles, seminars etc. Language often prompts cause for debate, both written as well as verbal. For instance Maori "Indians", the word "God", the practice to put some religion on a pedestal above all else including the vast number of people who do not believe in unsubstantiated mysteries, the proposition to exchange goods and services such as meat for commodities, are not constructive elements towards change for a better world.
Creating a better world is the most complex idea of all other ideas combined - because it would take 8 billion people to change the huge Pandora's box of infinite traditions and cultures to free themselves of all conditioning and set out on a new route through a global concrete wilderness with its vast corporate infrastructures, elite crimes and military machines.
Change is happening but for 8 billion people to come together in solidarity against the system and see a better world at the end of it, may well take to the end of time, but miracles happen.
Throughout this site and the World Peace Embassy site there are controversies in videos, articles, seminars etc. Language often prompts cause for debate, both written as well as verbal. For instance Maori "Indians", the word "God", the practice to put some religion on a pedestal above all else including the vast number of people who do not believe in unsubstantiated mysteries, the proposition to exchange goods and services such as meat for commodities, are not constructive elements towards change for a better world.
Creating a better world is the most complex idea of all other ideas combined - because it would take 8 billion people to change the huge Pandora's box of infinite traditions and cultures to free themselves of all conditioning and set out on a new route through a global concrete wilderness with its vast corporate infrastructures, elite crimes and military machines.
Change is happening but for 8 billion people to come together in solidarity against the system and see a better world at the end of it, may well take to the end of time, but miracles happen.
A glimpse at the current to near distant way of Life, that could either send shivers through your spine or have you nailed to your seat in anticipation of the seeds of this enlightening phase to bear fruit. It will be hard to swallow, but it gets easier as time goes by. Sit back and enjoy while you can.
⬇︎ WARNING!: This video is not for the fainthearted but it must be seen for the world stop living in compliance with the world's criminal institutions that dictate the fate of the entire population down to the individual human being. We're living a war between the Original Organic Life and the illusion of a Material Existence. The latter is an exponential lie from day one of human life to the very present, it is a dead end and....... it is no secret. Change your perspective, change your indoctrinated existence, exercise your brain, step out of the box, free yourself from the corporate tentacles, forget the scripts, write your own book.
It should be noted that I wrote my 10 cents worth after watching this video for 10 minutes to see if it was eligible to add to this page and loading it up. It's 10.47pm, I finished watching the entire 1 hour video only to find the warnings about C19 I have posted and verbally mentioned to family, friends and foe since 2020 repeated again, but with the additional visual realities presented in this video.
I don't believe in fairytales, people who believe that this "New World Order" agenda does not exist are living with their heads in the sand, either too scared to face the truth or worse, not to have their political supermarket provided comfort zone disrupted.
My initiative to write 24/7 in my web sites and on Facebook for World Peace, was for none other because of my love for Life which includes humanity. I asked for nothing in return. But obviously I had neither the skills or the money to get my proposal across, although ten years on the net has shown that not even the best and most highly financed organizations have a hope of getting the message across to a near 8 billion people population, not even a pittance of it.
It was supposed to be the role of the United Nations, set up in 1920 as the League of Nations to bring this world Peace. But that institution, like the Vatican, and all other institutions in existence under the guise of "governance" for the well being of populations have succumbed to the very corrupt status they claim to stand against.
You have been lied to since day one tens of thousands of years ago. I have said more than enough in my two web sites since 2010 and posted my World Peace proposal on Facebook until 2018, it's been a futile exercise.
The irony of being told by hypocrite "supporters" that if I would change as much as just one person I would make the world a better place. Sure, and the ripple effect would take 5 million years, and we'd all come good in the end. It's late, again, I guess I better listen to my dog and switch off the lights.
'VIRUS' DIPLOMACY - Click 'Play' on the slide to get on board