Australia - A Nightmare for Wildlife*
You'd be surprised to learn how few people have heard of it. But my dogs have grown up healthy and strong on it since 2010. Your supermarket and pet food chains don't stock it due to the corporate human & pet food industry's vested interest in the animal killing industry. But there are companies that produce vegan dog food in Australia, the US and elsewhere, search for it, buy some and try it, you and your dogs will become the lifesavers of millions of animals and your life will be rewarded beyond imagination.
Emu 16 years and roosters 12 and 3 years love it too, they get some as a treat every day. |
Vegetarians, people or animal, are a non-aggressive species
Australian Kangaroo Killing Statistics Slide Show
Click "Play" on slide to activate, click "Pause" for more time to read
Click "Play" on slide to activate, click "Pause" for more time to read
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World Peace Embassy: | Environment Vandalism | Ecocide Insanity | Wildlife Abuse | 1080 Poison | Corporate Pest Control |
World Peace Embassy: | Environment Vandalism | Ecocide Insanity | Wildlife Abuse | 1080 Poison | Corporate Pest Control |