Peace is Better than War
DISCLAIMER: The owner/editor of this web site and the World Peace Embassy site supports all peace, ecosystem and wildlife preservation, human rights, anti war, anti violence and anti corruption videos and articles and does not support Islam or any other religious or political ideology. Religious/political propaganda articles and videos have been added to both sites to support awareness of the necessity for humanity to change the course of self destruction.
Before you continue......................
The videos below were posted July 2023
The World Peace Embassy Web Site, initiated 2010, was an attempt to raise a world wide united voice against insanity of the wars and the relentlessly growing war industry, political and anti human crime. To understand why both sites have become unapologetically anti political see the World Peace Embassy Web Site and read up on November 25 International Global Consciousness Day.
The videos below were posted July 2023
The World Peace Embassy Web Site, initiated 2010, was an attempt to raise a world wide united voice against insanity of the wars and the relentlessly growing war industry, political and anti human crime. To understand why both sites have become unapologetically anti political see the World Peace Embassy Web Site and read up on November 25 International Global Consciousness Day.
⬇︎ Watch on YouTube to prevent children learning the truth about Israel and the US govt.???
The Israeli/Palestine war
is a barbaric war over land that was once possessed by no one. The war is the result of deep rooted cultural disputes between Jewish and Islam religions. Both are a barrier to World Peace, on par with all other religions and the rampant sectarianism evident in religion on the whole as much as within each and every religion itself. Both sides, Israelis and Palestinians are fighting a murderous, genocidal war, while the world is watching and taking sides with one or the other instead of condemning both parties. Likewise with Ukraine, Syria, Yemen, etc, etc, wars where politics and religion go hand in hand. Profiteering from these wars are the weapons and war arsenal manufacturers and dealers, corporate, governmental and black market racketeering. Religion, politics, and the high tech revolution spells WAR for ideologies, money, power and industrial slavery. It is an exponentially self propagating machine to which no divided human race can stand up to. Bob Oort, site editor
is a barbaric war over land that was once possessed by no one. The war is the result of deep rooted cultural disputes between Jewish and Islam religions. Both are a barrier to World Peace, on par with all other religions and the rampant sectarianism evident in religion on the whole as much as within each and every religion itself. Both sides, Israelis and Palestinians are fighting a murderous, genocidal war, while the world is watching and taking sides with one or the other instead of condemning both parties. Likewise with Ukraine, Syria, Yemen, etc, etc, wars where politics and religion go hand in hand. Profiteering from these wars are the weapons and war arsenal manufacturers and dealers, corporate, governmental and black market racketeering. Religion, politics, and the high tech revolution spells WAR for ideologies, money, power and industrial slavery. It is an exponentially self propagating machine to which no divided human race can stand up to. Bob Oort, site editor