Australia 2024
A brief history of its discovery - Wikipedia
A brief history of its discovery - Wikipedia
William Dampier, an English buccaneer and explorer, landed on the north-west coast of New Holland in 1688 and again in 1699, and published influential descriptions of the Aboriginal people.
In 1769, Lieutenant James Cook in command of HMS Endeavour, traveled to Tahiti to observe and record the transit of Venus. Cook also carried secret Admiralty instructions to locate the supposed Southern Continent. Unable to find this continent, Cook decided to survey the east coast of New Holland, the only major part of that continent that had not been charted by Dutch navigators.
On 19 April 1770, the Endeavour reached the east coast of New Holland and ten days later anchored at Botany Bay. Cook charted the coast to its northern extent and formally took possession of the east coast of New Holland on 21/22 August 1770 when on Possession Island off the west coast of Cape York Peninsula.
He noted in his journal that he could "Land no more upon this Eastern coast of New Holland, and on the Western side I can make no new discovery the honour of which belongs to the Dutch Navigators and as such they may lay claim to it as their property but the Eastern Coast from the Latitude of 38 South down to this place I am confident was never seen or visited by any European before us and therefore by the same Rule belongs to great Britain"
In 1769, Lieutenant James Cook in command of HMS Endeavour, traveled to Tahiti to observe and record the transit of Venus. Cook also carried secret Admiralty instructions to locate the supposed Southern Continent. Unable to find this continent, Cook decided to survey the east coast of New Holland, the only major part of that continent that had not been charted by Dutch navigators.
On 19 April 1770, the Endeavour reached the east coast of New Holland and ten days later anchored at Botany Bay. Cook charted the coast to its northern extent and formally took possession of the east coast of New Holland on 21/22 August 1770 when on Possession Island off the west coast of Cape York Peninsula.
He noted in his journal that he could "Land no more upon this Eastern coast of New Holland, and on the Western side I can make no new discovery the honour of which belongs to the Dutch Navigators and as such they may lay claim to it as their property but the Eastern Coast from the Latitude of 38 South down to this place I am confident was never seen or visited by any European before us and therefore by the same Rule belongs to great Britain"
⬇︎ Videos saving this site's author from contracting explanatory stress syndrome ⬇︎
⬆︎ The Australian government 1972 to 1975 - Democracy for All ⬆︎
⬇︎ The Australian government since 1975 - All for us, None for All ⬇︎
⬇︎ The Australian government since 1975 - All for us, None for All ⬇︎
☜Democracy according to the ruling class supporting broadcasting agencies.
So long as broadcasters share the spoils of corrupt practices by governments, political parties, war arsenal economists, religious institutions etc etc, the word Democracy remains but a mass psychosis tool in the service of the excessive lifestyle of those who contribute nothing to this world except carnage, division, wars and the suffering of all living species. |
Corruption has made a mockery of the word "Democracy". Democracy was destined to fail since its conception 2,500 years ago. All that has been achieved is for a minuscule group of financial and material wealth elites assuming dictatorial power over the masses. The word is on everyone's lips but it has as much relevance in the people world as it has in the animal world which are basically one and the same, warring and killing for survival of one species over the other and unintentionally perhaps, causing this Planet to suffer a slow death.
We all want rights, but no one wants to take responsibilities. In the grand scheme of all things we humans and animals alike are of no importance whatsoever, but once all people have become hybrid digital machines, all that will have no more significance and as Klaus Schwab says: "Everyone will be happy". Bob Oort, Site Editor
We all want rights, but no one wants to take responsibilities. In the grand scheme of all things we humans and animals alike are of no importance whatsoever, but once all people have become hybrid digital machines, all that will have no more significance and as Klaus Schwab says: "Everyone will be happy". Bob Oort, Site Editor
There are now literally thousands of "backyard" news commentators on the net, thankfully opening the eyes of the public as opposed to mainstream media keeping people's eyes and brains closed.
☜ Punter is right on the money. But the core problem begins with the history of the money lending industry. |
The oldest loaning records available date back to Mongolia, Assyria and Babylonia around 3,000BC or even earlier perhaps. Merchants made grain loans to farmers and traders with lenders accepting deposits, repaying and including interest. Finance capitalism, developed from commercial capitalism, began in Genoa, Italy, in the 16th century and in the Netherlands in the 17th century - just to get some idea that the money trail began a long time ago with the long term consequences surfacing only now at an alarmingly irreversible pace.
Inflation is a global disease. Lending and borrowing money on a "Projected trader/company income or a country's GDP" ??? Hellooooh !!! What this society needs is a locust invasion on the banking industry devouring all the profits and leaving the money lenders and market speculators with no other option but to jump from the windows of their harbor front high rise office buildings. It would cause a frantic chaos across the globe, but given a little time people might get their act together and work out ways to survive without the corrupted practices of financiers, governments, corporations and the war arsenal industry. Only thing is if we continue breeding like rabbits, the whole vicious cycle will start all over again. Bob Oort, site editor
Inflation is a global disease. Lending and borrowing money on a "Projected trader/company income or a country's GDP" ??? Hellooooh !!! What this society needs is a locust invasion on the banking industry devouring all the profits and leaving the money lenders and market speculators with no other option but to jump from the windows of their harbor front high rise office buildings. It would cause a frantic chaos across the globe, but given a little time people might get their act together and work out ways to survive without the corrupted practices of financiers, governments, corporations and the war arsenal industry. Only thing is if we continue breeding like rabbits, the whole vicious cycle will start all over again. Bob Oort, site editor
The Down Under Slide Show
Play ⬇︎
⬇︎ The hypocrisy is with the government, the police, the military and the war arsenal industry. The ignorance is with the masses and those who incite the violence. People do not want the heinous wars, they do not want the senseless mass murder orchestrated by the war industry and the corruption that is behind the endless suffering of humanity. But demonstrations don't work, 9 out of 10 turn violent, only exacerbating the division and antagonism proven time and time again since time immemorial but none more since the 1960's Vietnam war.
The pro Gaza/Palestine demonstrators do so because they cannot bear the slaughter of children, women and men, but they are blind to the threat posed by Islam and it's flawed, hideous agenda to subject the world to its monstrous Shar'ia law written by men and a false, sick, long dead and gone self appointed prophet whose dreams turned the world into a forever war zone.
In the final analysis it is the governments and their politicians posing as "Leaders" and/or "World Leaders" that hold the fate of humanity and this World in their hands, but every day people need to educate themselves. A society living with fear and in a consequent sphere of antagonism is a bundle of explosives waiting to blow up in everyone's face. Stop the bias, the arguments and the corruption, this world is desperate for Peace.
The pro Gaza/Palestine demonstrators do so because they cannot bear the slaughter of children, women and men, but they are blind to the threat posed by Islam and it's flawed, hideous agenda to subject the world to its monstrous Shar'ia law written by men and a false, sick, long dead and gone self appointed prophet whose dreams turned the world into a forever war zone.
In the final analysis it is the governments and their politicians posing as "Leaders" and/or "World Leaders" that hold the fate of humanity and this World in their hands, but every day people need to educate themselves. A society living with fear and in a consequent sphere of antagonism is a bundle of explosives waiting to blow up in everyone's face. Stop the bias, the arguments and the corruption, this world is desperate for Peace.
Bias toward one side and against another is clear evidence of the psychologically conditioned ignorance inundating the bulk of the human race. A society that accepts the war industry which throughout history is responsible for the mass murder of billions of people and the destruction of its own environment cannot see itself as peace loving. 21st century society is more barbaric than ever and in the face of all its so much worshiped technology remains as the most ignorant species in the entire Universe.
⬇︎ London/UK/Ireland 2024
⬇︎ Australia 2024
Knocked on the door of a small town restaurant where they have live music & "entertainment" 4 nights a week. Door opened and lady said "We're not open yet". I said "I'm a guitarist, I wonder if I could play here sometimes". Lady said: "The manager isn't in yet, but contact him later today", handing me a card with the contact details. Coming home I checked the web site, place looked very appealing for me to play once in a while, then, at the very bottom a multi colored logo appeared accompanied by the words "This restaurant is a "LGBTQIA+" positive space". My junk mail bin was due to be emptied and the contents were incinerated same afternoon. I watched the "restaurant" card burn slowly among all other trash and continued playing for my dog.
⬇︎ From Australia Exits the WHO ⬇︎
They’re still at it and we're still resisting
Yes, its exhausting and overwhelming, and some days we’ve just had enough and want it all to go away. But it only takes a kind word or a thank you, a shared conversation with a stranger to know we are not alone, a new source of information, or an action we can take to give us hope. Thank you to our readers who write in and give us feedback. We keep doing what we are doing because you tell us that we are making a difference. Thank you : )
Don't sign up to Digital ID
Digital ID is here in Australia and your silence is considered consent to the government’s Digital ID system. While the legislation, and the government, says that Digital ID is voluntary, we know from past experience that this will change. It will become mandatory if you want to use government services and some services delivered by corporates.
Don’t have Digital ID?
Sorry you can’t access healthcare, open a bank account, go through border control, use social media platforms, shop online, access government services and so on. Do you get the idea of where this is likely to go? Not to mention the surveillance of everything you do.
What can you do?
Say no and vote with your feet: don’t sign up for it. Remember, it is voluntary. You can also consider using Solutions Empowerments semi-automated process to produce an Affidavit which advises the government, and others, of your non-consent to the Digital ID capture process. Neil Oliver explains the impact of Digital ID.
They’re still at it and we're still resisting
Yes, its exhausting and overwhelming, and some days we’ve just had enough and want it all to go away. But it only takes a kind word or a thank you, a shared conversation with a stranger to know we are not alone, a new source of information, or an action we can take to give us hope. Thank you to our readers who write in and give us feedback. We keep doing what we are doing because you tell us that we are making a difference. Thank you : )
Don't sign up to Digital ID
Digital ID is here in Australia and your silence is considered consent to the government’s Digital ID system. While the legislation, and the government, says that Digital ID is voluntary, we know from past experience that this will change. It will become mandatory if you want to use government services and some services delivered by corporates.
Don’t have Digital ID?
Sorry you can’t access healthcare, open a bank account, go through border control, use social media platforms, shop online, access government services and so on. Do you get the idea of where this is likely to go? Not to mention the surveillance of everything you do.
What can you do?
Say no and vote with your feet: don’t sign up for it. Remember, it is voluntary. You can also consider using Solutions Empowerments semi-automated process to produce an Affidavit which advises the government, and others, of your non-consent to the Digital ID capture process. Neil Oliver explains the impact of Digital ID.
☜Digital ID for Australia? A Sky News Aus video aired by MSM (Microsoft Media) and nowhere else to be found incl Sky News'
YouTube playlist. Helllooohh ??? Psychology, Reverse Psychology, Evasion of Truth and Outright Lies - the world crime collective's all in one standard procedure to lead the naive astray. Click the video to watch it at the source. |
A click on this ⬆︎ picture advertising the Christian religion brings you to a Rumble video courtesy of the X-Files - X being short for the site owned by Mr X himself e.g. Elon Musk, the world's wealthiest individual, who started out fed by a billionaire's silver spoon but is said to have built his US$300 billion kitty all by himself.
Mr X (⬅︎ click) is the icon and idol of the predominant 2 to 26 year olds tech nerds society, as well as Klaus Schwab's WEF Swiss ski resorts economists which includes all world wide Heads of State and their departmental bureaucrats mostly all narcissistic elements seeking high positions in the political hierarchy, the corporate million/billionaires society, the war and war arsenal industry, the news media moguls and the Vatican to Orthodox and Islam clergy. |
All work in the pages of the World Peace Embassy and Peace is Better than War sites are
collated from items collected off the Internet's public media with the exception of author created articles and posters and reasonably asserted responses to articles and comments on media videos and articles. In no way does this author claim to support any one party or other, site, news commentator, article or video, based on the well established fact that the Internet has become the greatest political tool in the history of the human race where nothing, but nothing, can be taken for granted as either fact or lies, bias, fantasy, illusion, propaganda for one institution or other, defamation of one or other, pro or con arguments etc etc.
Throughout both sites it has been made clear why the World Peace Embassy site and the Peace is Better than War sites were created and evolved into a political response
exercise with emphasis on the corrupted systems which altogether under one umbrella reap mayhem, havoc, wars, ecosystem destruction, human and animal misery, starvation, death and destruction across the Earth, relentlessly, ruthlessly, indiscriminately, with no remorse or intention to end this callous war on all life on Earth. All while the naive, including the author since 2001, keep spreading hopes for Peace, most of which provide the system just what it needs to pursue its divisive agenda. The ruling class, religious, political and otherwise will not give up their criminal millennia conditioned perpetration on Life, it is their bread basket, their mindset, their way of existence, vile, highly obnoxious, sick and poisonous, as it is.
What you have seen on this page about Australia is representative of every country on Earth. Australia is run by a most corrupt yet subtle self serving political system, serving the British Crown, the City of London Admiralty, the Vatican, the Washington District of Columbia, the United States White House and its ruling Federal Banking System, the Israeli Zionist Organization, while aiding the WEF, the WHO, the rise of Communist China, Islam and the mass migrations from the US war machine's devastated countries across the world from one hellhole to another or another in the making. The world is waking up? No, the world has been hypnotized into a deep sleep, subserviently obeying the convenient corporations conglomerate digital entertainment system for their robot slaves workforce. What you have watched on this page about Australia 2024 is simply part of the entire global power institutions pursuit to maintain their dictatorship over Life.
Anyone aspiring to see a world without corruption, wars and violence better start thinking about standing united with all who fight for World Peace and the abolition of all those institutions that have created havoc on Earth. Bob Oort, site editor August 19, 2024
All work in the pages of the World Peace Embassy and Peace is Better than War sites are
collated from items collected off the Internet's public media with the exception of author created articles and posters and reasonably asserted responses to articles and comments on media videos and articles. In no way does this author claim to support any one party or other, site, news commentator, article or video, based on the well established fact that the Internet has become the greatest political tool in the history of the human race where nothing, but nothing, can be taken for granted as either fact or lies, bias, fantasy, illusion, propaganda for one institution or other, defamation of one or other, pro or con arguments etc etc.
Throughout both sites it has been made clear why the World Peace Embassy site and the Peace is Better than War sites were created and evolved into a political response
exercise with emphasis on the corrupted systems which altogether under one umbrella reap mayhem, havoc, wars, ecosystem destruction, human and animal misery, starvation, death and destruction across the Earth, relentlessly, ruthlessly, indiscriminately, with no remorse or intention to end this callous war on all life on Earth. All while the naive, including the author since 2001, keep spreading hopes for Peace, most of which provide the system just what it needs to pursue its divisive agenda. The ruling class, religious, political and otherwise will not give up their criminal millennia conditioned perpetration on Life, it is their bread basket, their mindset, their way of existence, vile, highly obnoxious, sick and poisonous, as it is.
What you have seen on this page about Australia is representative of every country on Earth. Australia is run by a most corrupt yet subtle self serving political system, serving the British Crown, the City of London Admiralty, the Vatican, the Washington District of Columbia, the United States White House and its ruling Federal Banking System, the Israeli Zionist Organization, while aiding the WEF, the WHO, the rise of Communist China, Islam and the mass migrations from the US war machine's devastated countries across the world from one hellhole to another or another in the making. The world is waking up? No, the world has been hypnotized into a deep sleep, subserviently obeying the convenient corporations conglomerate digital entertainment system for their robot slaves workforce. What you have watched on this page about Australia 2024 is simply part of the entire global power institutions pursuit to maintain their dictatorship over Life.
Anyone aspiring to see a world without corruption, wars and violence better start thinking about standing united with all who fight for World Peace and the abolition of all those institutions that have created havoc on Earth. Bob Oort, site editor August 19, 2024